How the states have used the War on Drugs to legalize and endorse highway robbery
Please note: This article is intended to expose local and state law enforcement tactics used to steal large sums of money from citizens. While this is a fairly specific article, there are thousands upon thousands of examples of this happening on the federal level as well. I mention this because most of what I write about is from personal experience as a law enforcement officer. As I have never been involved in a federal seizure I will not attempt to dissect federal laws as they are even more complicated and convoluted.
It used to be that a man had the right to be "secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures". This old, outdated concept comes from the 4th Ammendment of our Constitution. Furthermore it is supposed to apply to every man, woman and child, whether a citizen or not, as long as they are on American soil . Furthermore, the Constitution states that no State shall pass any law to interfere with the rights granted to us by the constitution.